Final Fantasy XIII sets franchise record

Square Enix has reported a record breaking 1million units in its first week of North American sales, totaling a whopping 96 million units worldwide since its debut in Japan. This even among the primary complaint of the game having much too linear gameplay, especially in the first half of the game.

Final Fantasy 13 is set in a world called "Pulse", where a female heroine named Lightning begins her journey in order to attempt to save a loved one. This eventually leads her and some of her compatriotsinto the upperworld of Gran Pulse which is teeming with monsters.

Personally I'm much looking forward to Final Fantasy 13 Versus, which is the first Final Fantasy to be closely imitating real life in terms of the world. Strangely enough, it has nothing even remotely similar with gameplay or storyline to link it with Final Fantasy 13. Stay tuned for more info, otherwise you can see the trailer here:


Unknown said...

Oi! Don't forget that Versus was announced to have similar controls to Kingdom Heart`s play style!

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